Tuesday, October 23, 2007


On Saturday, Chris, my BFF and 20+ people from our church ran in a triathlon in Emerald Isle. Well, it was suppose to be a triathlon but the ocean wasn't cooperating so the swim part got canceled, which technically made it a biathlon. Nonetheless, it was fun to watch and cheer on everyone. BFF's husband and I were on childcare, cheer leading and picture duty. While they battled the run and the bike we battled our children and never quite getting the picture we wanted. Here's a few pictures of them...

This is Chris finishing the run. I got so excited that he was coming around the corner that I snapped the picture too soon. Here's BFF finishing her run.
This is Chris finishing his bike run. I love that he still has the strength to smile at the end of a 12 mile bike ride.
Andrew was so excited that Daddy finished the race. He kept saying he was so proud of Daddy.
Here's BFF finishing her bike race. Her back was hurting her so bad but she still fought through the pain to finish the race. I admit that when she, and many of the others, finished the race I was crying like a baby. I just know how hard everyone trained and how accomplished they must feel.

In other news, Chris just finished his doctorate and now is awaiting December 14 to graduate. This weekend was huge for him!!! I'm so proud of him.

The wife of Dr. Chris

1 comment:

Jason and Kathleen said...

Yeah! so glad you took some pics! I was anxious to see them. Jason and I are heading to the beach this weekend. We love that place. I forgot to comment before....but i love the one of you and the boys. what a beautiful family!