Sunday, February 24, 2008

Peanut Butter

Yup, this is what happens when peanut butter* and jelly get into your hair, it stands on end...
and is very painful to get out.
*Apparently, you aren't suppose to feed peanut butter to children under 2 (something about allergies), so don't follow my lead.


S.E. Painter said...

I gave all 3 of mine peanut butter after 1 years old... oh well... why don't we wrap them in bubble tape and put them on the sofa until it's safe... just joshing...

Jessie said...

I'm with you. If truth be known, I started feeding him peanut butter when he was 10 months old. So far, no allergies to speak of.

Anonymous said...

such an adventureous child I hope you discover alot of those andventures, God has a wonderful sense of humour!!!!

Jennifer said...

I know I'm not supposed to laugh at children crying in pain, but that pic of Jonathan is too funny! Poor little guy!

Anonymous said...

I leave for 1 week and my boys have peanut butter in their hair and they spend most of their days in "time out". Don't worry boys...I'm coming home soon!