Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Capt. Hook

I have an advantage at my home that you might not have a very own personal pirate. He typically comes out when in water or looking at himself in the mirror.
Here's the pirate face* in the making. I also notice that he has a very big mouth.
There it is, the complete pirate face. Jonathan is playing completely oblivious that a pirate is about to hook him.
*The pirate face is not to be confused with the phantom** face. Phantom face is when he does that same face but his hand partially covering his face. If you confuse the two faces he will quickly correct you.
**And by Phantom, I clearly mean Phantom of the Opera. He still is in love with that CD (I now completely loathe that CD). I was hoping it was a phase and he would quickly grow out of it, but no such luck.


Brooke said...

Thanks for your comment today. It's a HARD thing being content. Especially when all the ladies around me have all the latest fashions and look so trendy with their accessories and such. So hard!

I love the pics of your boys! Maybe one of them will be in our family one day. wink, wink!

Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Love the pirate face!!! You've GOT to take one of phantom- I haven't seen it yet.
You know if you get tired of the Phantom movie, you can always pass it on to me. That is, after all, where the soundtrack came from.
When did Jonathan get blond hair? Are those curls at the ends? Please don't cut them yet.
Call me when you guys are feeling better. You're in my thoughts and prayers.....