Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter. We went to church with the Tates and the Minors and later had lunch and an Easter egg hunt at the Tate house. There's lots of pictures so let's get to it:
Andrew made his own Easter eggs.
He loved this. I wish I had made more eggs because he had such a good time.
Andrew on the hunt for Easter eggs.  He did pretty good looking for the eggs. 
Austin's face is priceless (and her egg hunting skills).  I think Tonya (or Jeremy) is telling her to keep looking for more eggs but she's more interested in the candy than more eggs.
He's after another egg.  Not concerned about smiling for the camera.
Jonathan even got in on the action, except his brother stole all his eggs.  
Here's what he's thinking, "I don't get it, but I'll keep walking around because that makes my silly parents happy."
Here's Andrew and Tabor.  This was a hard picture to get because it was in the midst of the hunt and Tabor was intent on getting a lot of eggs.  That's Cherith in the back ground and she would find the eggs and tell Tabor about them.
Brotherly love (with a little help from Daddy).
Back on the hunt.  He ended up finding 10 eggs.  Tabor had the most and it was a tie between Cherith and Austen for the least because Cherith gave hers to Tabor and Austen ate all the candy.  


Anonymous said...

Sounds like ya'll had a great Easter! I don't know about you but I think I am about 'egg hunted out'. ~Stacy

Anonymous said...

Well it is good to know that some things never change..that would be that Austen ate as much candy as possible:)I must say that there is a twinge of jealousy hearing you speak of know I am an only child and I get jealous easily..but you know love is not jealous so I am glad that my friends(that is all of you) have each other and you all had a great Easter:)So keep the info coming cause as you know The Minor blog is quite behind...Love to all from the Longs

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun! The pics reminds me of all the Easter egg hunts a little child at my Granny's church in South GA. Even right up to adults standing around in FLANNEL Shirts!! hahaha REDNECK TAG Chris! You're it!
