Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chocolate Bunny

We were at the Dollar Tree and Andrew found a dollar. He took it to the service counter to make sure no one was missing a dollar and they graciously gave it to him. I told him that he could get one thing in the whole store, and he takes off for the Easter candy. He grabs the biggest chocolate bunny he could find and says this is what I want. I tried to distract him in the toy aisle but he wasn't having it. You reach new lows when you say, "Don't you want this toy sword or gun? They would be fun and they make lots of loud annoying noises!!" (Technically I didn't say that last part but my head was screaming it.) Needless to say, we came home with a chocolate bunny and no swords or guns.
Fast forward to dinner last night, and he told me he was going to eat all his dinner so he could eat some of his bunny. I was saying something silly to him and he said with great earnestness, "Mommy, don't distract me. I'm trying to eat all my dinner." I guess I learned my lesson.


Rachel said...

He seriously cracks me up. I think I would have gone for the chocolate bunny too. I know how you feel about toy weapons, not to mention loud and annoying toys--you really didn't want to take that bunny home did you? :)

Anonymous said...

The bunny, the bunny oh I ate the bunny. I didn't eat my soup or my bread, just the bunny!!

Oh, gotta love the veggie tales. That Andrew is funny!!!

S.E. Painter said...

fabulous, just fabulous...

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAAh Chocolate at night time how fun!!!!!!!!!! That boy is so funny you have an up coming comic on your hands!!!!

The Biles Family said...

Hey what a cute story. By the way your boy has on some cute PJ's in that picture. I guess i will have to fedex the rest!!!

Love you all