Monday, August 11, 2008


A. Attached or Single? Happily attached
B. Best Friend? I have many best friends but only one BFF.
C. Cake or pie? Equally good.
D. Day of choice?'s family day.
E. Essential item? Cell phone even if I don't answer all the time, I like having it with me.
F. Favorite color? Purple (but it is no where in my home).
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears...and not the Harbo kind, they hurt your jaw.
H. Home town? Shawsville, VA (they still don't have a red light)
I. Favorite indulgence? Reading all day long, eating chocolate ice cream, not gaining a single pound, and not being interrupted with 'Mom I gotta poop.'
J. January or July? January--not big on sweating all day long.
K. Kids? Two amazing boys
L. Life isn’t complete without? Salvation and time with my family.
M. Marriage date? August 14, 1999
N. Number of brothers and sisters? brother, sister, me, brother
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples, oranges are too much work
P. Phobias? Ledges with no guardrails. I have dreams all the time of falling off ledges.
Q. Quotes? I can't, Jesus can.
R. Reasons to smile? My husband makes me laugh all the time.
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag 5 people: Tonya, Felicia, Sarah L., Sarah P., and Missy
U. Unknown fact about me? My nose is extremely sensitive. My husband calls me a hound dog.
V. Vegetable? cucumbers and carrots
W. Worst habit? eating too much
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, unless it is done during first trimester (moms know what I'm talking about).
Y. Your favorite food? My mom's cooking and Chinese
Z. Zodiac sign? Leo
(Another) Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Zebras


Rachel said...

When you gonna come see your BFF and eat some Chinese food?

sarah said...

do they have good chinese food there?

Jessie said...

Does tomorrow sound good BFF?

And no they don't have good Chinese here. Very sad...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the 1st trimester ultrasound...I hate thosse too...
Boy, do I have some stories. My OB could write a book on the conversatons we have had. :) HA! Miss you guys!
Jen Stevens