Monday, September 01, 2008

Tonka Ride

Last night was a big night for Jonathan because he went to bed without his pacifier for the first time. He cried for about 25 minutes and then not another peep till morning. It was much harder for me than I thought it would be. I kept wondering if it was the right thing to, was Jonathan ready for this, or was I just being to harsh with him (and by I, I mean we because Chris is for this too). I know it is going to be a rough few days but that is going to happen whenever we decide to take it away. We still battle with Andrew sucking his fingers at bedtime and it drives me crazy. A wise friend of mine, Felicia, once told me that they will cry it's just a matter of when they will cry. My husband and I thought it would be easier now because he's still in his crib and can't come out his room, he still isn't talking well (although doing much better, but that's for another blog), and we had weened him from having the pacifier during the day. We'll see...I'll keep you up to date.
Here's a cute video of the boys playing together. I'm not sure why Andrew has a coat on, seeing as how it was 90 degrees outside. In the second video you get to see the ugly side of Jonathan's personality. If he doesn't get his way he throws temper tantrums.


S.E. Painter said...

very cute boys...

i took kerrigan's paci away at 2 years. at the 15 mo check up he said since i had missed the 6 mo window that i had to wait until she understood that i was taking it away. it was so pitiful when she cried during that first nap. i'm so glad that i threw them in the dumpster.

Jennifer said...

You have to take them away??? Why didn't someone tell me that sooner????

Rachel said...

I have to admit, as a thumb sucking advocate I think we will go for a paci if we have another. Keeping that thumb out of their mouth has been so hard and the germ factor here is double.

You call that a temper tantrum? I call that silent protest.

Nice truck!