Wednesday, May 03, 2006

He's 2

On April 30th Andrew turned 2. He celebrated it in grand fashion. He had a party on Friday after Afterhours (which is a singles worship event) with all his friends from the singles ministry. We started the party by bringing out his cake and singing the birthday song while he blew out the candles. When the song was over he helped himself to some cake by biting it off the sides. It was perfect! He kept trying to get more but if anyone else wanted to help us with the cake he needed to stop nibbling. He opened gifts and got a cool bus, a toy dust buster, an Elmo backpack, and some cool shirts. He loved them all and started his Saturday morning by playing with those toys (and wanting more cake and ice cream). Later that Saturday, he had a party with his friends. They had a fun time riding in wagons and writing on the driveway. Chris grilled some hot dogs and I bought some chips and dip. Andrew got another cake and tried to do the same thing as the night before. It was so much fun just watching all the children play and have fun while the adult just sat around and talked. There are lots of pictures below to give you an idea of what the party was like. Sunday was his actual birthday and when I woke him up I was singing the birthday song to him and when I finished he said, "Cake, ice cream?" He knows where his priorities are.
I can't believe he is already 2 years old. Where has the time gone. I remember holding him gently in my arms at the hospitol thinking I might break him so I wanted to be extra gentle. I remember the moment I realized he won't break as easily as I first thought but I didn't want to risk it. I remember him just gazing in my eyes with the confused look only an infant can give. Some how he bacame a toddler with lots of bumps and bruises but still intact. He stilll is my baby boy but my baby boy in a new body. Thicker skin on his knees and hands but still wants his mommy when he get a boo boo (his mommy and a band aid).


Rachel said...

It looks like the party was so much fun. Kirby really hated to miss it, but he had some partying to do of his own. Plus it looks like Andrew didn't like to share his cake. :)

Anonymous said...

It's me - the blog stalker...

I can't believe Andrew is 2 years old! It seems like only yesterday we gave you a baby shower at mine and Kim's place. Time flies when you're having fun, right??

~Jenn Mason