Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All is well here. Jonathan slept will last night. After his 11pm feeding he slept till 4am and then again till 7am. That would be great if Andrew didn't keep waking me up in between those times. It was one of those rough nights for him.
Here are a few pics of our morning. I'm working with Andrew on a daily basis to sit at the table and color or write in preparation for preschool. Since he knows most his letters we try to review or just color. It is hard though because he wants to play or watch tv. I've set the timer and he now knows when it goes off he can get up. His coloring is really coming along. He use to color one line and call it a day but now he wants to color in the whole picture. I think it might be encouraging his OCDness but at least he is starting to want to color.
Jonathan is starting to get his routine but it is very slow. I don't remember this much crying with Andrew but I'm sure it was just as bad. I remember Andrew would give up after a few minutes but Jonathan will con't on until someone acknowledges his presence. He's only 3 weeks, I should cut him some slack. Sometimes my expectations are set too high and I realize that.

Here's Chris and the boys.

The boys are playing in Andrew's room. Two seconds later Jonathan had a fit. Glad I snapped the pic when I did.

Here's Andrew's latest coloring project. He's very proud of his work.


Anonymous said...

I think those pictures should be framed or on the Fridge... It will get better, but it seems hard when you are sleep deprived. Hey, I will make you laugh.. I hear Nick hollaring for Dennis this morning at 3:30 , which was hopeless, as he was snoring away... Nick jumps up is running down the hall(like a madman) looking for a light to see his fish... He was beside himself looking for a light and kept calling Daddy.. I finally got him and looked him in the eyes and realized that he was sleep walking. It was a hoot. He doesn't remember any of it.. Oh well, it may not get better? Huh? Luv ya and praying for you. God looked down and said that Jesse will be the best Mother for this little one, so I know you have what it takes..

Pastor Chris said...

That's my boy!

Rachel said...

Glad to hear Andrew is doing well with some 'work' time. You are smart to start him now. And Jonathan is doing great. By next week you will wonder why it was even hard.

By the way, Kirby is now obsessed with Dawgum. He has to see him every night before bed. He and Stan feed him several treats and pet him. Kirby just laughs and laughs. Then he says hello to his friend Drew Drew. It's so funny. Anyway, if Dawgum gets fat, it's Kirby's fault. :)

I like the new name too. Angie had a good idea.

sarah said...

I am completely jealous of the new baby Jonathan's sleeping skills. The monster (Isaac) doesn't have such great sleeping skills. Good thing I have a super nice husband who takes him half the night. We've got a sweet system. Not as sweet as yours, though. :)