Friday, March 02, 2007

Still Adujusting

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. I'm sure you're wondering what's going on in the life of our house. Chris' mom just left and I'm sad because she was a lot of help. Andrew loved being able to go outside whenever he wanted to without waiting for Jonathan to wake up or finish eating. Jonathan is doing well. He had his 2 week weight check and was a whole 8lbs 1oz. We were excited because you never know if a nursing baby is getting enough. Another prayer has been answered with nursing. Jonathan is officially off the nursing shield. That is such a huge praise because now he doesn't have to work as hard to get his dinner. The doctor also told us that he would now consider him a normal healthy baby. His lungs and chest sound like all other babies. It is amazing how quickly they can heal.
Andrew is doing well too. He is still having sleep troubles. We think he thinks things are going on and he is missing out. He has had a small cold so the cold medicine has been helping him sleep more soundly. According to some of my friends I can't give that to him forever but I'll give it to him as long as I (opps I mean he) needs it. (Disclaimer: I would never intentionally dope my child up, it is a joke I promise.)

Many of my friends have come by and here is Sophia enjoying her time with Jonathan.

Andrew is playing peek-a-boo with Jonathan but Jonathan isn't really into it. Jonathan really likes to watch the lights on the radio. Andrew was teasing him by moving it around so much.

Here's Jonathan slowly growing up.

Jonathan loves to watch Andrew. His little eyes will follow Andrew or his head will move when he hears him talk. Here he is learning how to suck his fingers like his big brother.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you. I have been checking wach day to see how it is going. The picture of Andrew holding Jonathan's feet is adorable! He looks like a brother/Dad.. Glad that little man's lungs are clear and he is doing well.
Luv ya

S.E. Painter said...

Jonathan is so cute! He's like a peanut, but seems alert, not like a newborn slug. :) Andrew is adorable with him.
I've been keeping up with you through your blog. Check out mine if you get free time, hee-hee. The next two years will be a hard time, maybe even a blur as you look back, but those boys will be the best of friends and so close. Kinsey and Kerrigan are the best of friends and I am so thankful.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan looks older than Andrew, best pics yet you are doing wonderful job!!!!! Keep up the good work, we love you

Tonya said...

Oh my! Jonathan is so adorable!
You really are a great mommy, those two boys are going to have so much fun together!