Monday, March 12, 2007

He's 1 Month Today

WOW, I can't believe Jonathan is already a month old. How much has changed in one short month (although I must say, it felt like a long month to me). He went from being a special care baby to being perfectly healthy. He went from not nursing well to being a champ at it (when he is not sleeping through his meal). He went from not crying too much to...well let's just say his lungs work just fine. Jonathan has gotten better about crying during his nap times. Instead of crying the entire nap he only cries for an hour and a half of it (but not every nap in his defense). Here's a couple of pics of just him and a video of him. The video isn't nearly as exciting as I would like it to be but babies don't do much so you take what you can get.

I know it's blurry but he is definitly smirking.

Definite smile.

Boy, he sure is handsome.

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