Friday, April 13, 2007


We have a week here at the Dowd home. As I write I am sucking down another cup of coffee due to the lack of energy. While enjoying my coffee Andrew is entertaining Jonathan and I love hearing that. Jonathan went for his 2 month check-up on Thursday and all went relatively well. His weight continues to grow right as the right pace. His little soft spot is a little sunken so we go back next week to make sure that he is gaining weight and that it is just because soft spot is a little big. He had 3 shots and they really affected him. He started running a fever last night and it continues today, plus he is super sleepy. He hasn't been real hungry and just looks around while he is awake. Jonathan is doing well with his sleeping. He has slept through the night a couple of times, and on those nights Andrew has chosen to get up a few times. I feel certain that someday I will get a whole night of rest and I will enjoy it.
As for my health, I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and set a surgery date for May 1st. They plan on removing the tumor and my left lymph noid. After surgery they will know more info and then decide on future treatment.
I was having a rough morning this morning and Andrew came up to me and rubbed my arm and said,' Is you tongue hurting Mommy?' and I said, 'Yes.' He then replied, 'God will heal it.' At that I hugged him and cried a little harder. God will heal it and I believe he will. I love Andrew's sensitive heart.


Rachel said...

I'm such a bad friend, I completely forgot to ask about Jonathan's appointment when I called early. I was all caught up in my own frenzy. I'm glad to hear he is still gaining and all that.

Andrew melts my heart. He is such a wonderful little boy. I'm so glad he and Kirby are BFF.

Anonymous said...

I just had to say, I just had the most fun playing with Andrew and Jonathan's dawgum. I did not know it was so interactive!! Thanks for the smile :)

Lora said...

It's been awhile since I stopped in to catch up on your boys - they are both so handsome! Rachel told me about your cancer -- I will definately be praying for you and I know Andrew is right about God healing you. Hugs!

S.E. Painter said...

Child-like faith is so fantastic. We can all see why the Lord desires us to have that kind of faith.

I will have to call you and tell you a funny story. It will not translate via email.