Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

I can't believe what I just did, but I completely forgot to take a family Easter picture. There were families taking pictures at church and I thought to make a mental note to do that as soon as we got home. As you can tell, the mental note did not work. As I looked at the other blogs I remembered it hadn't been done. Oh well, life will go on. We did have a great Easter. Chris' parents are in town and his brother's family (who live in Wake Forest) came over for an Easter dinner. Did I mention I only made the ham, my sister-in-law made all the yummy sides and my mom-in-law made the dessert, I mainly provided the eating site. Andrew got to play with his 2 cousins (Sadie (3) and Mia (1)) and had a great time. The parents took the night off and watched as the grandparents played with the kids. They caught onto us and let us know that they were tired (in a very nice way). I must say it was nice to eat a piece a strawberry shortcake without having to share a single bite with anyone (and I think you know who I mean...Chris). It was a very hectic time but it was fun at the same time.

This was a picure from a month ago that I had forgot to post. It looks like Jonathan is contemplating boxing that cow. Luckily we stopped it before a rumble broke out.

This outfit might look familiar to you. Rachel P. let us borrow this from Bennet. I'm keeping the tradition alive and posting the outfit. I love putting the monkey hat on Jonathan because it looks like a skully. Which, as you know, is very cool where we live.

This is as close to an Easter picture as you are going to get. Andrew's grandparents gave him this Easter basket full of good stuff. They were kind enough not to pack it full to-the-brim with candy.

This is Pa Pa with his grandkids minus Jonathan. He is a proud grandparent. As for the picture, there was no way I was going to get all 3 to pose for a great pic at 8 pm. I settled for this to avoid a battle.

We hope everyone had a great Ressurection Day!!

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