Thursday, May 10, 2007

Birthday Boy

Here's Andrew helping make/eat his birthday cake. As you can probably guess, it's chocolate!!

Andrew's first real tricycle. He still hasn't quite got use to it.

GUM!!!! He asked me a long time ago for a piece of gum and I told him that he could have one when he turns 3. On his birthday, one of his first words were, 'Can I have some gum please?' He does a great job of chewing and not swallowing it.

He also got a Cars outdoor pack.

Cake picture!!! Not an exciting cake but it works and it was good to eat.

I can't believe he's 3!!!! I've said it too many times, but where does the time go? This helps me cherish Jonathan's time at this age.


sarah said...

Again - I'm loving the camouflage!
Everyone tells you the time goes by fast (and it doesn't seem fast enough when they are screaming - assuming yours screamed - mine does). But, you can't really understand the time going by until it does. I look through videos of Isaac and I can't believe how fast they change. :( and :)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday big boy you are sooo cute....much love tia missy

Jessie said...

Time will go faster once your child starts to move on his own. I felt the same way you did when I started parenting. I feel that way about Jonathan right now. Time doesn't feel like it is going by fast, but just wait. It picks up momentum when they start moving on their own.