Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pics, Pics, and More Pics

This is Andrew completely fitted with his elbow and knee pads and helmet. He likes for me to put them on him so I can take them off him promptly (I fall for it every time). Of course, he had a bike accident the other day and wasn't wearing his pads and his elbow looks rough. I went to go get Jonathan up one day and this is how I found Andrew when I came back. He was set up and ready to feed his brother. He also said to me the other day, 'Hey you know what Mommy?' and I said 'No what?' What he said I will never forget because I was not ready for it, 'I need to go pump.' I say that to him all the time because he will want to go outside and I can't because I have to pump. I thought it was adorable (and slightly weird).
I love me some Jonathan!!!!!
Okay, apparently I breed them to suck their fingers this way. Chris walked in one morning and found Jonathan sucking his fingers this way. Remind you of anyone....
(Oh, hey Ricky)


sarah said...

They probably suck their thumbs that way so when they attend their first glam rock concert, they can put their hands high in the air, extend their forefingers and pinkies and scream, "we love you __________ (insert glam rock band name here), you rock!!!"

That's what I think.

OR -- (this one's even better)...
when they start a rock brother duo (like Nelson), they will use the aforementioned technique to greet each tour stop. "we love you raleigh!!", "we love you san diego", etc....

Jessie said...

Clever, very clever Sarah!! You made me have a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I did not forget about you. I am sick with Strep and Tonsillitis. I switched dinners this week with someone. I do not want to bring sickness to the Dowd home.Hope you are continuing to mend along.....still praying for you all.
Love ya,

Rachel said...

I like Andrew's helmet and pads. Some very caring friend must have given those to him.

I think your boys will be more like Hanson then Nelson. But they will need a third so Chris will have to join in. I just don't see your boys will bad blond 80's hair. Bad blond 90's hair is more like it. :)