Thursday, January 17, 2008

Guess What Happens Next...

If you guessed Jonathan falls off the bed, you were right.  His cousin Kirsten and Andrew are holding him (and I say that loosely) while I was taking the picture.  As soon as I take it, both of them let go and lunge to see their picture, leaving Jonathan to learn how to fly on his own.  I guess my major problem was not thinking and taking a picture on the bed.  I have learned my lesson.

The next picture shows what happens when Mommy leaves the camera to comfort the child who couldn't fly.  I guess Kirsten took this picture of Andrew.   A photographer in the making.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew looks like he is trying to show us his teeth that are hurting him terribly! Maybe brotherly pain for when Johathon fell off the bed?

Kirsten is quite the photographer, she gets it from her mom! Not!!
Chandra :)