Wednesday, January 16, 2008


As I sit here and watching American Idol (cringing because she is not doing well) I figured I should let you know what has been holding up all the blogs...nothing but pure laziness.  Every time I go to write something nothing comes to mind.  Don't get me wrong, there is a lot going on but nothing worth sharing.  Here's the update on the chilies...
Besides being adorable, his two top teeth came in--praise the Lord, and he is ever so close to walking on his own.  Yesterday, he wanted me to hold him, meanwhile I had to get his bottle ready, so he ends up walking across the kitchen just to get a little loving.  He walked and didn't even know it.  He is a lot of fun (when he is well rested and well fed).  
He is doing well adjusting to the new house.  He loves to play all over the house and especially in his room.  He likes to tell us before naps and bedtime that 'Sleeping is not my big fan' (translation:  I'm not a big fan of sleeping).  Other than that he is being a typical toddler boy.

Mental note to myself:  Don't try to blog when watching American Idol, very distracting.  Can't focus.  

Gotta Go    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let Andrew know that Aunt Chandra is a big fan of sleeping and that one day he will find joy in it. Maybe when he is a parent!!! I've heard I will not get good sleep again for many, many years :(

We are enjoying the snow with Kirsten and Duke. Do you have snow for tbe boys to play in?