Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Calvin and Hobbes

Here's a little fact about me you might not have known...I love the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. It was a sad time for me when he retired. I was recently reading one of the C&H books I have and I got a great laugh and thought I'd share* it with you.
C&H are sitting under a tree and C says to H, "I asked my Mom if I was gifted and she said 'Well, I certainly wouldn't have paid for you.'" The next scene their just sitting there looking out, taking in all that he has just said. The final box C says to H, "Remember that when people ask why I turned out the way I did."

*By sharing, I mean with words because I have no idea how to use a scanner or how to find that on-line.


Anonymous said...

Travis loves C&H too!

sarah said...

i heart calvin and hobbes, too!