Monday, March 26, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a family weedend and just went around enjoying each others company. The weather was perfect for walking and playing at the park. Here's some pics from our weekend.

Saturday started with us drinking some much needed coffee and the boys playing together on the floor.

Tonya gave this chair to Jonathan at his baby shower. I love it because it is small enouch to fit in the tub so I can bathe both boys at one time. Plus, Andrew now has someone to play with besides Elmo.

This is my great friend Stacy (her blog is linked to mine) and her daughter Ann Rae. They visited with us on Sunday and were able to hold Jonathan. I felt bad because he was having a rough time being hospitable. Sundays are crazy in our house.

Here's Andrew loving the camera. He likes for me to take pictures so he can look at them.

Andrew was adorable on Friday morning. He came out of his room too early and I was trying to nurse Jonathan. I know this sounds weird but Andrew is to stay in his room until I come and get him. There are reasons for it but I don't feel like typing them all now. So back to the story. He comes out of his room and I tell him to go to the bathroom and go right back to bed. After using the bathroom he walks down the hallway, turns around looks at me with these big puppy dog eyes and says with a shrug, 'All I wanted to do was love Jonathan.' Some how I became the bad mom who never lets him love his brother. I laughed for hours. For those of you who now how Andrew looks when he shrugs and talks you'll enjoy this story even more.


Stacy said...

We are so glad that we were able to visit, even if it was a short one. The picture you posted cracks me looks like Ann Rae is getting ready to nurse Jonathan. That dress drove me nuts, I kept calling her "Janet" that day! You have a BEAUTIFUL family, can't wait to see you all again. Ann Rae LOVED playing with Andrew. She gave her daddy a full report of all the fun she had. Thanks again for having us! We had a blast. ~Stacy

Jason and Kathleen said...

so cute! i am knew to this blog world. your boys are so handsome! little jonathan has the sweetest face. i hope you are getting rest! hopefully i can see you guys soon.

sarah said...

Wait -- Coffee AND breastfeeding? Is that allowed? I'm avoiding caffeine like the plague. Are you telling me that I don't have to and I'm torturing myself for no reason?? What am I to do?


Jessie said...

Coffee is absolutely okay (in moderation). I have to have my cup of coffee in the morning or life is miserable.