Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nothing Much...

Going on in our home. Last Thursday, Andrew and Chris went on a field trip to some petting animals but no petting allowed animals park. Andrew had a blast and took days to get over it. Chris got to experience his first dis (do people even use that word) by Andrew. On the way home, they were riding the bus and Andrew would rather sit in the back with the cool boys. I'm glad it happened to him and not me because I would have been begging Andrew to let me join his homies (I bet people don't use that either).
I think Andrew is in this picture somewhere. It's like looking for where's Waldo.

I'm not totally sure what is going on with the pictures right now. The next couple of pictures is Andrew and Chris feeding a goat and Chris getting very up close personal with a giraffe.

Other than that we have had a normal weekend and week. Andrew made sure we prayed that God would heal his belly because 'He ate Swidish fist and red pooped comed out.' He said that 3 times to God and I know He's in heaven shaking His glorious head wondering where does he come up with this stuff. Jonathan is doing so well and is so much fun to be around. As I type this he is on his belly sliding all over the kitchen. I wish I had a picture of him but I bought some seriously cheap batteries from Target (4 pack for $1) and it lasted one picture and now their dead. I have learned my lesson.


Jennifer said...

Andrew has already learned that God cares about every little thing we have going on. That shows that you and Chris have led by example in your prayer life...definitely a good thing.

And I still use "homie" and all homie derivitives, such as home skillet, home slice, and holmes. But then again, I'm a dork.

Jennifer said...

Apparently, I'm not only a dork, but a horrible speller...I meant derivative. Guess that's why I didn't win the 3rd grade spelling bee. I misspelled probably. Hey - that's a hard one!!

sarah said...

that was a fun blog.
i love the swedish fish tale.
i love that chris is kissing a giraffe.
i love that andrew would rather chill with his pals.
i love the old school jive talkin'.

and i love "home skillet" by jenn mason.

Anonymous said...

WHat a fun day! I'm sure Chris took being "dissed" like a man. We had all better get use to it; the day will come all too soon when we are not the most coolest people in the world to our children. I know sad day.

By the way-dissed and homies are no longer acceptable slang terms. I only know this because I have the high honor of working with teenagers.

"Beast" is a good word to put into your vocabulary.
"Greatness, excellence, expert, or just plain awesome" I figured this out very quickly after I was called one-needless to say I was pleasantly surprised at the meaning.

"Chilax' is also a good word to know; as you can guess a combination of chill and relax. Smart, I know- Hey I just repeat this stuff.

THere is also a song that is "beast" called "Delila"
by Plain White Tees that is a love song that our teens love that I really like too which is kinda weird. Enough teen pop culture for one day.


Jessie said...

Thank you Tonya and Jennifer. Now I am in a bind because if I try to use the terms that Tonya said I'll look dorky for trying to hard. If I use the terms that Jennifer said I'll look dorky because I won't be with the times. So, I'll just return to my life of using as little slang as possible so as not to look quite dorky. Plus, I'm seriously white (actually I have a nice tan now) in my speech thanks to my English major.
(Tonya, seriously, I'm shocked by all the slang you know. I plan on using chilax as soon as possible.)

Anonymous said...

very cute my grandson knows prayer is a conversation with OUR FATHER, love it keep up good work!!!!!!