Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Last night was Andrew's first night at Free Kids Camp (aka VBS). He was so excited he didn't even want to eat dinner. Since Chris and I are helping out at FKC there is a dinner beforehand in the Fellowship Hall and Andrew kept asking me if this was FKC. It was hard to tell him what exactly he would be doing but he was excited about doing anything. I chose not to help out in his group because I knew he would cling to me and not truly enjoy the whole experience (plus, the idea of corraling not one but many 3 year olds didn't sound too appealing to me). When we first got there and registered one of my fellow guides took him to the sanctuary. I never realized how hard that was going to be (for me not for Andrew, he was so excited about FKC). I didn't cry outwardly but inwardly I was dying. It was then I almost got selfish and switched groups (I'm a 4th grade guide) but I knew in my heart that Andrew wouldn't really get to enjoy the experience. But God was gracious to this hurting mommy and helped our groups align a couple of times. I relished those moments and just hugged on him. Andrew, of course, loved on me too which helped me make it through the night. In the end, he had the best time. One of his leaders is a good friend to our family and Andrew just thought it was great they got to hang out all night.
Our FKC is all this week (July 9-13) if you are in the area and would like to attend...come on and have some fun.
PS Jonathan has another cold and is suffering as any 4 (almost 5) month old would.


sarah said...

I would definitely be inclined to refer to FKC as KFC, just so you know.

I like the new look to your site!

Jessie said...

I also slip up many times and say KFC and then have a desire for fried chicken.
The new blogger is much easier to work with than the last one. I'm glad I switched too.

sarah said...

Now I want fried chicken. :(