Friday, July 27, 2007

Culinary School...

here I come!! Today was Jonathan's first day of rice cereal and apparently I need to try a new recipe. He did a pretty good job once he got the hang of it but at first his look of bewilderment was fun. Many of you parents know exactly what I'm talking about. Here's a few pictures to help you enjoy what we got to enjoy:

Seriously Mommy, this is the best you can do?!?!?!?

Now I have to spit up!!
Nope, no better from this angle.
Maybe if I smile they'll quit.
Andrew thought he'd help out too. Only he wanted his 'cinananamen life' more. He also thought Jonathan was now ready for a biscuit.

I'm sure it will get better but that first feeding is always funny. I'm just so proud that he is growing up.


Jennifer said...

If Andrew is passing out biscuits, send him over here. I could use a jelly biscuit right about now.

Jessie said...

No, some one introduced him to bo berrie bisciuts and now that is all he wants. When we go shopping and pass bojangles he asks if he can get one. It takes all me and my will power to say no.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan is growing up way to fast! Like his little gift Maggie she is starting to learn to behave herself, the "the dog whisperer" has arrived!! Hope he likes spinach, uyk.