Saturday, July 14, 2007

Florida Day 1

So the dynamic traveling duo struck again. It was like old times for Andrew and I on a road trip to Florida watching DVDs for endless hours. We finally got here and are having a great time. Our first stop was visiting my sister (Missy) and her son (Alexis) in Jacksonville. She had to work on Friday so I got to watch both boys and we had a blast. We went to this beautiful pool early in the morning.
And they played at the showers for endless hours and not the pool like I thought they might. Although they did vary things by going to the jacuzzi to play in the bubbles. Just what Mommy wanted to do, sit in hot water while it is 90. I was overruled every time I suggested we not go to the jacuzzi.
More shower time. Notice how white my child is next to Alexis.
Finally, I got them into the pool. Actually, Alexis is very good in the pool. He showed Andrew how he does cannon balls into the water. He also was very patient with him and tried to teach him to swim.
Here's Andrew shaving because he had grown quite the beard while swimming.
The one thing I haven't taken a picture of is their Jack Russell called Abby. It is funny watching Andrew defend himself on a continual basis. This dog likes to jump and lick Andrew in the face. He has learned to say 'No, Abby No!' She is a very cute dog and he has done his fair share of chasing her and picking her up. Abby is very patient with him as well.
Our next stop is to visit my Grams and Gramps. I'll keep you posted about all the great times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Andrew decided to shave. That soul patch he was sporting at Free Kids Camp just didn't do much for his profile.

Jenn Mason